Friday, October 26, 2012

Guest Bathroom Makeover

Calvin and I just do not do well with white walls, and the walls in our apartment were ever so white when we moved in! 

No amount of colorful wall hangings could help this place. It just felt cold and uninviting.

For this bathroom I would say we got quite lucky! I found the perfect coral-ish paint on the "oops" rack at Home Depot. I just knew it would go great with the towels that I was lusting over at Target (which, we got lucky and passed by them on clearance one day! Only 2 lg. towels were left for $7 each! So of course we picked them up before they were gone. One even had a little spot on it that I knew would wash out, so I took it to the service desk and they knocked off an extra 10%!)

So long story short this little bathroom spruce up cost us...

$20 in fancy towels
$2.50 in paint
$7 for the candles, coffee beans and holder
and the other items we had :)

My hubby came up with the great idea for the mirror frame. It was really quite easy and will be easily removed when we leave this apartment! He measured it to fit right up to the edges of the mirror and then cut the pallet wood to fit. Once it was the correct size be wood glued the edges together where they meet. Once the wood glue was dry he took the little plastic clips that screw the mirror to the wall off and used the same holes from those screws to attach the frame (and hold up the mirror) to the wall. Such a genius my hubby is!! What a great (and free idea) to spruce up an apartment!!! 

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