Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Day Challenge- Week 1-2 recap

I made myself a 30 day to a healthier me promise, read my promise to myself HERE


I meant to recap after week one, but obviously that did not happen. Well better late then never...right?

Week 1- I was really good about my goals this week! I only missed my daily exercise once, I mostly kept up with my GRE practice, I don't think that I missed reading the Bible once, I definitely ate more vegies and did not do well with drinking more water. I am very proud that I did not have even a tough of chocolate!!! I did decide that as my one cheat I would have frozen yogurt, not quite ice cream...which is on my no eat list, but I had to have something sweet lol. 

Week 2- (over on monday)- I have drank more water, exercised almost every day, kept up with the vegies and increased my water intake. I have still not touched chocolate (I have really wanted to) and have avoided the other items on my do not eat list. I have completely forgotten to do my GRE practice questions...something to improve upon. Yet, I have kept up with reading the Word almost every day.

Moral of the story...

I'm not perfect but I am trying to make these improvements. I feel healthier in my mind and my body. My husband has even said I look thinner, which was not really my goal but it is a nice plus!! 

I challenge everyone who reads this to commit to give up something or add something to your daily to-do list to make yourself a healthier person :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Taste of Home

This recipe just cannot help but remind me of home. 

Actually every time I see a butternut squash it reminds me of my mom in the kitchen cooking up this delicious dish.

I don't think that my recipe is quite as good as my mom's, but really how could it be? Below you will find the best I could do. I must say we did eat it all, between just my husband and I, so it must be pretty good. 

1. Preheat the oven to 400. Slice your squash in half length wise. 

2. Lightly spread a butter spread (I used promise) over the squash. I would say I used about 1 1/2 Tablespoons over the 2 halves. 

3. Use a shaker of cinnamon and sugar over the entire squash and then put 1-2 tablespoons of brown sugar over that. 

4. Bake your squash for about 60-90 minutes of until a fork can be inserted easily. 
5. Let your squash cool for about 20 minutes until you can handle it. After that just peel away the skin and put your squash in a mixer until soft. 

6. ENJOY!!! It is just so yummy with all the great flavors that were cooked together. Yum!