Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Day Challenge- Week 1-2 recap

I made myself a 30 day to a healthier me promise, read my promise to myself HERE


I meant to recap after week one, but obviously that did not happen. Well better late then never...right?

Week 1- I was really good about my goals this week! I only missed my daily exercise once, I mostly kept up with my GRE practice, I don't think that I missed reading the Bible once, I definitely ate more vegies and did not do well with drinking more water. I am very proud that I did not have even a tough of chocolate!!! I did decide that as my one cheat I would have frozen yogurt, not quite ice cream...which is on my no eat list, but I had to have something sweet lol. 

Week 2- (over on monday)- I have drank more water, exercised almost every day, kept up with the vegies and increased my water intake. I have still not touched chocolate (I have really wanted to) and have avoided the other items on my do not eat list. I have completely forgotten to do my GRE practice questions...something to improve upon. Yet, I have kept up with reading the Word almost every day.

Moral of the story...

I'm not perfect but I am trying to make these improvements. I feel healthier in my mind and my body. My husband has even said I look thinner, which was not really my goal but it is a nice plus!! 

I challenge everyone who reads this to commit to give up something or add something to your daily to-do list to make yourself a healthier person :)

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